This is an overview of an extensive 21 page letter from hundreds of health professionals in the BC Okanagan Valley addressed to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Mr. Adrian Dix, Premier Horgan and Attorney General David Eby (the letter is also addressed to the people of BC ) primarily demanding a stop to the “vaccine” mandates and other restrictions being forced upon the citizens of British Columbia. The letter contains numerous citations from Canada, the US and around the world including countries such as Australia, Germany and Israel as supportive evidence of the following points. Additionally there is discussion to the rising concerns of corruption and conflict of interest between Politicians, Public health Officers and Drug Companies such as Pfizer.
The contents of the letter outline several key points:

The ever increasing and unrelenting push to vaccinate children despite the health risks outweighing the benefits. “Now we are rolling out boosters and injecting our youth, and soon to be our children aged 5 and up, who were never at risk. When will we realize the repetition of a failed strategy does not produce a different or better result? Instead, it is more likely to get worse, with more cases, adverse vaccine reactions, deaths, depression, suicide, overdoses, isolation, anger and segregation. Do we really think this is how a crisis should be managed?”
The Vaccine’s efficacy namely that THE VACCINES DO NOT PREVENT CONTRACTING OR TRANSMITTING THE VIRUS AND AT BEST MAY REDUCE SYMPTOMS SLIGHTLY AND ARE CREATING VARIANTS. “ Below we reference a fraction of the research that proves that Covid-19 “vaccines” are limited in their effectiveness and are creating the variants. This article represents three recent scientific studies published by the U.S. Centre for Disease Control, the Government of the United Kingdom and Oxford University found the Covid-19 vaccines are not effective. A study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology on September 30, 2021 confirms that when examining countries around the world, there is no discernible relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new Covid-19 cases. The trend-line suggests a marginally positive association with countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated to have higher Covid-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel…”
The side effects and toxic ingredients in these nanotechnology injections ( vaccines). “Dr. Lieutenant Colonel Teresa Long, MD, MPH, FS, recently swore an affidavit 16 in support of an injunction application in court at Denver, Colorado to halt the “vaccines” for military personnel in the United States. She outlined the significant concerns in taking Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines”. She discussed the ingredients and their toxicity. At paragraph 25 of her affidavit, she confirmed that the polyethylene glycol (PEG) is listed by Pfizer as one of the primary ingredients in its “vaccine” and is close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers propylene glycol, which is a common ingredient in antifreeze.”
The Coercive nature and stranglehold policies implemented to attempt to force every last man, woman and child to get this “ Vaccine” are not indicative of a free, democratic and law abiding country. “Although Prime Minister Trudeau claims his policy is about keeping people safe, he admits that its purpose is to bolster stalled vaccination rates. Sounds very similar to the comments of Dr. Patty Daly, the Chief Medical Health Officer for Vancouver Coastal Health. The purpose of the policies is not about lowering the risk of transmission but is to increase rates of vaccination. Why would the government require someone who works from home to be vaccinated in order to protect their coworkers or customers if lowering transmission or safety was the true purpose behind the policy?”
Some of the key quotes below beautifully summarize the sentiment and purpose of the Letter:
“One of the most deceptive and divisive messages being promoted to the public by our government officials is the idea that the science is settled in relation to the safety and efficacy of these experimental injections, masks, distancing and lock downs. The impression given is that scientific debate has occurred, and consensus has been reached.”
“Dr. Bonnie Henry, Mr. Adrian Dix, and our Premier John Horgan have made it clear that they believe the only way to get out of this pandemic, someday in the unforeseeable future, is for everyone to get an ever-increasing number of doses of an experimental gene modifying injection that our PHO or the WHO recommends.”
“Our government officials along with TV, radio, newspapers and much of social media are using fear as a tool to repeatedly market Covid-19. Fear is used to disarm, coerce and pressure citizens to comply with blatantly absurd public health policies without question, and to demean and marginalize anyone who won’t submit for “the greater good”. To survive these difficult times, we must respect and understand each other and rebuild community. We must not propagate the divisiveness that is being instigated from the top down.”
“This extinguishing of open debate and discussion is the antithesis of science!”
Footnote Resources:
#1 Previous letter from the same authors in the Okanagan Valley • Opens PDF directly
#2 Tweet from Government of India • Twitter
#3 Joint Statement on Widespread Use of Ivermectin in India for Prevention…• Video/Twitter
#4 Book Quote “Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe” by Dr. Bonnie Henry pg 40-41 – Amazon
#5 Leader of Australia’s most populous state resigns as corruption watchdog launches investigation • CNBCC – Australia
#6 Why has New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian resigned? • Twitter • Video
#7 Australian mining magnate outs NSW premier as Big Pharma lobbyist • Free West News -Australia
#8 COVID-19 Virtual Medical Staff Forum: Vaccine Updates & Build Back Better • YouTube – VCHStaffEducation – Canada
#9 B.C. mandates COVID-19 vaccines for public service workers and long-term care visitors • CBC News
#10 Federal public servants, RCMP and air and rail travellers must be vaccinated by month’s end, Trudeau says
#11 BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW! Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings • Video 15min Summary Stew Peters Show Rumble
#12 Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines • Video 2hr 40min Full Length
#13 Never Before Seen! “Vaccine” Victims’ Bodies In Battle! • Video Stew Peters Show • Red Voice Media
#14 Dr. Robert Young & Science Team Reveal Graphene, Aluminum, Lipid Nanoparticle (Lnp) Capsids, Poly-Ethylene Glycol (Peg) & Parasites In Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca & Janssen Vaccine • Website with Video, Abstracts, DIagrams and resources • Truth Comes to Light
#15 BMC – Journal: Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms • BioMedical Central Journal
#16 Graphene Oxide Affidavit Of Ltc. Theresa Long M.D. In Support Of A Motion For A Preliminary Injunction Order • Deep Capture
#17 Pfizer-BioNTech: Ingredients and What they do • JPG Diagram – BC – CDC Center for Disease Control
#18 Polyethylene glycol as a cause of anaphylaxis • NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information
#19 Polysorbate 80 Materials Data Safety Sheet • Visit Santa Cruz Animal Health
#20 The Only Warning Given Vaccine Considerations • BC CDC –
#21 Missing Ingredient from the Vaccine Information Fact Sheet For Recipients And Caregivers • PDF – FDA
#22 Freedom of Information Act Request – ICAN FOI – Ingredients in Pfizer Vaccine • Viewable PDF Document on VCC
#23 Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine • Health Canada Website – Now updated with a more extensive list of symptoms
#24 Admission of monitoring for Guille Barre and Thrombosis- Not on Warning Sheets – Website – Government of Canada
#25 At Least 18 Cases of Apparent Heart Problems in Young People in CT After COVID-19 Vaccine • Drs Issuing Warnings of Vax – May 25, 2021 – 2 min Video – CNBC CT
#26 COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds More Than Triple in 1 Week, VAERS Data Show • Drs Issuing Warnings of Vax – Children’s Health Defense – Article May 21, 2021
#27 BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW! Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings • Drs Issuing Warnings of Vax – Stew Peters Show – Sept 24, 2021
#28 NEVER BEFORE SEEN! “Vaccine” Victims’ Bodies IN BATTLE! • 13 min Video – Stew Peters – Sept 27, 2021
#29 Reference to their previous open letter letter • Sept 9 , 2021
#30 Dr. Christopher Shaw, Neuroscientist and professor of Ophthalmology at the University of British Columbia (UBC), has expressed serious concerns about the safety of the Covid-19 gene therapies being promoted as “vaccines”. Vaccine Choice Canada – Article – Sept 6, 2021
#31 Recently a group of over 500 Canadian doctors, scientists, nurses and other health care professionals and lawyers have written a similar letter outlining these and other concerns. • PDF – CCCA Canadian Covid Care Alliance – Sept 24, 2021
#32 Dr. Steven Pelech, Professor of Neurology at the University of British Columbia Biography • UBC – Division of Neurology | Department of Medicine
#33 The Letter to UBC Faculty Senates About Mandatory Vaccination • PDF Viewable – Sept 10, 2021
#34 30,000+ Women in UK Report Menstrual Problems After COVID Shots, But Menstrual Issues Not Listed as Side Effect • Children’s’ Health Defense – Sept 22, 2021
#35 COVID-19 Vaccines and the Menstrual Cycle • Article – NIH – National Institute of Health – Updated Ot 5, 2021